Sunday 15 September 2024

Astrology Charts and their Dynamic Triangular Shapes - The Lecturer


Final full dynamic triangle in my birth chart……..The Lecturer. Many of life's bigger lessons to be learned here and with this combination of red, green and blue aspects which create bright white light perhaps I will learn many of them. A DNA Codon can be created here but it becomes a Grand Trine in water CCC let’s hope it creates an additional amount of talent to go with it. 

The Lecturer….

Moon square to Saturn (88’36”) - a difficult aspect in any chart and brings with it a determination to succeed because you are working hard for it. People in your life can sometimes lack truth and can create a war zone which means you spend a lot of your time being a peace maker. This is hard work and can make you a little rigid at times overcoming lack of trust is part of the lesson, a big part. 

Saturn Quincunx Venus (147’27”) - this energy gives you the opportunity to heal yourself particularly learning from helping to heal others and trust slowly begins to return. If you see an opportunity to heal another take it and then you can focus on your own true hearts desire. Taking responsibility particularly in the home for others will come naturally. Don’t overdo it and wear yourself out. Those who want to take care of others must first learn to take care of themselves. 

Venus trine to Moon (125’27”) my lucky charm, popular, successful, inner peace, amiable and feminine. Ability to attract wealth and prosperity if you learn the lessons along the way. Work, rest and play available here and again all three colours creating white light. If I believe it is possible and I have inner peace, balance and harmony in my life much can be achieved. 

Trust is the key to learning the lessons of The Lecturer I will put in the work if I have faith in myself I will achieve my desires. Trust in yourself and let your emotions be free, let go of those defence mechanisms and enjoy your hard work. Don’t just rely on your charm put in the effort and have fun. 

I have others aspects in my chart but only four full triangles. Enjoy looking more closely at yourself it will pay dividends. X 

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