Wednesday 11 September 2024

DNA Codons and I Ching codons in Comparison


Top right hand side shows the partnership of codons within The I Ching Hexagrams…..starts with GGG over CCC Hex 1 and 2…then follows 3/4 and so on moving up each row at a time until reaching the top of row four for codon Hexagram 64 You will see they partner with each other as hexagrams within the crystals of The I Ching 

The DNA Codons are at the bottom left of the image and it shows how they change when partnering with the other one of the pair of DNA Codons starting with Hexagrams 1/2 GGG/CCC but then they move on and change for a Codon. Hexagram 3 ATC partners GAT as they would on a ladder of DNA. They no longer pair with the hexagrams though.

Its almost as though you have to make a crystal I Ching set as they pair up to each other 1/.2, 3/4, 5/6 etc., all the way through to Hex 64. In a DNA Codon they put T with A and C with G and vice versa and this creates the pairing. You could never work this out without first making them pair up in The I Ching. 

Enjoy your thinking. X

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