Sunday 15 September 2024

Astrology Charts and their Dynamic Triangular Shapes - A Ruminator

Another full triangle in my birth chart the Ruminator aspect… does not create  DNA codon as it starts in the second quadrant. 

Opposition Jupiter to Mars -  (180.33”) A strong very tight aspect. Assertive and direct but in a non threatening way, if provoked of course that could be another matter as you wont back down without good cause. Sexual energy and adrenaline rushes feel similar here hence their attraction. Well meaning and healing towards other people. Can make significant changes in your own and others lives. 

Jupiter semisextile (30’52”) to Uranus…Comfortable riding the waves of change and going all out to achieve the things you want to do and staying enthusiastic throughout if those ideas are yours and more so if those ideas are a tad unconventional. Unusual views and not the norm for sure. Idealistic, humanitarian, a creative if uncommon vision informs your missions in life. Remain creative so this energy has an outlet. A creative approach to problem solving with a blend of new ideas which show wisdom and lots of optimism. 

Uranus Quincunx Mars (137’45”) … Embrace the new, even if it's a shock. Cutting edge ideas with a strong insight into social trends and drawn to areas of the unexplored or unconventional. Ambitious and doesn’t give up on projects easily. This energy when not used properly can become a little harsh, avoid that. Control those impulses to respond to negative energies with aggression. You need freedom but not at the cost of your relationships. When you come up against sharp bursts of energy remember it's important for you to be stress free and avoid stress and anxiety if you are to achieve those goals. 

Oppositions or complimentary energy in that 180* aspect with creative ideas expanding if you can use this aspect to its best possible outlet. There is potential here. It may not be easy but it will be worthwhile if you can pursue it. X

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