Sunday 29 September 2024

Nine Star Ki and DNA Codons for the Month of October, 2024

Here we have the ~Nine Star Ki for October, 2024 which has the following facts about it….

3/6 Nine Sstar Ki - DNA Codon GTT - Alternator aspect - Amino acid Valine - Hexagram 25 - Direction sits in the South West facing North East - belongs to the double crystal - Musical notes D E G# - Planets Jupiter and Venus - shape 60 x 120 c 180 = Hydrophobic 

A 3 year can be changeable. Something new is about to start following on from the previous 4 year to complete all musical notes of years 3 and 4 combined. Number 3 outgoing or infelxible, number 6 Leader or dominator. 3/6 has the Alternator Aspect shape. In this particular one the outlet for this energy is in the 5th house of Leo a fire sign - fixed - lets hope what it creates is positive but fire that refuses to budge can be difficult.  GTT is all about communications on an ordinary level G Gemini Air/tree 3rd house  - Creativity T what is it you are going to create Leo Fire 5th house - T Sagittarius Fire 9th house of higher levels of intelligence and communication. So let's hope this opposition between Gemini and Sagittarius finding its outlet in Leo has been able to communicate well and not let the fire get out of control. Sometimes this combination cannot decide things one way or the other. Two contrasting ways of communicating but you can find an outlet in creativity.  It creates the amino acid Valine which is good for building muscle and repairing tissue damage. Lack of it can damage nerve endings causing neurological issues. Facing N.E. So not getting that much light on the subject. Musical notes for the whole of the 3 year are C# D E G G# B and D E G# are the musical notes for 3/6 all missing notes are played during the 4 year. Planets Jupiter and Venus perhaps idealising things can be a problem unless of course you can create that ideal world you're looking for. Make love not war is definitely a catchphrase here. Please be in pursuit of happiness and not of perfection which results in catastrophe. 

Your will notice from the image above that DNA letters for the month show a domination of Water and Fire colours/elements. This means energy is above the ground in the Heavens and can manifest - Earth and Air are below ground this month and lacking. 

Enjoy your thinking and wonder at how this month may turn out it has all the potential for positivity……….lets hope communications worldwide improve this month. X 

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