Saturday 14 September 2024

Astrology Charts and their Dynamic Trianglular Shapes

Working with only full triangular aspects in your birth chart take one triangle and see what information you can glean from it.

This pattern creates The Alternator shape working or resting, not much in the way of play, so the best way to combat that is to enjoy the work you do but remember to take a rest from time to time. Perhaps all that powerful energy is exhausting so rest is essential to recharge the batteries. 

Pluto Trine to Mars - (This is the widest aspect measurement of the trio at 114.04”) A surge of energy so your goals can be achieved. Ambitious to achieve your desires whilst remaining harmonious throughout. This is a non threatening approach and encourages the help you need from others. If you are in a position of power where you can initiate changes e.g. on a project at work, you will have a strong will to succeed. Be courageous about that next step and confident enough to take it. You have charisma and sex appeal and will fight for your causes. You have some mystical prophetic ideas. Strong, confident and sexy, with many desires to fulfil your wishes and sex appeal is part of your attraction.  Big projects so don't let that put you off, dream big and act on it. You can achieve significant transformations in your life and the world around you. 

Jupiter sextile pluto - (64.53”) expansion of energy to achieve those goals. You don't have to force it or react. Your increased powers will see you through, you have power and influence for spiritual growth, personal growth, wealth creation and advancement. Powerful forces work behind the scenes to promote you to a higher level. A good soul continually evolving that wants to contribute to society. A wide interest in career choices. Popular and admired for your example to others, honest and generous, rarely acting in a selfish manner. You can make a big difference in the lives of others and have big opportunities for self transformation. Evolve and expand at soul level outgrow your old ways, constantly renewing yourself. Just as Pluto likes to see. 

Opposition Jupiter to Pluto -  (180.33”) A strong very tight aspect. Assertive and direct but in a non threatening way, if provoked of course that could be another matter as you wont back down without good cause. Sexual energy and adrenaline rushes feel similar here hence their attraction. Well meaning and healing towards other people. Can make significant changes in your own and others lives. 

Jupiter is about expansion, Pluto about transformation and Mars giving you the energy to get the job done. No doubt there are more negatives I could attach but in my La Vie en Rose world who needs it. I will say one thing though with all this powerful energy around you I suggest you use it or lose it, or even worse it could be used against you. 

So one of my four dynamic triangular shapes at birth. You can always learn something when you examine yourself more closely. Enjoy your thinking, you don’t need to have Jupiter in Gemini to do so. X 

It also creates the DNA Codon TTG Leo to Sag to Gemini……..8/6 Nine Star Ki amino acid Leucine, Hexagram 33, W/E direction, belongs to the 6/6 crystal, makes musical notes C E A# planets Saturn and Venus association, more things to look up and find out more about yourself. X 

Friday 13 September 2024

The I Ching expansion of the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal


Here we see the 1/1 - 9/9 Crystal and its 12 DNA Codons……..we have looked at how crystals are created before but this 1/1 - 9/9 crystal is now drawn above in I Ching Lines. I found out recently that the two middle lines shown in red can create the partner codon by swopping Jin for Jang and Jang for Jin. It seems like such a simple way to do it but for me you have to create a crystal to see so much more than its partner. 

We see above the pairings horizontally so top and bottom are the only vertical pairing so lets start with them…..

1/1 - 9/9 CGC/GCG - 1/1 Hex 29 pairs with Hex 30 9/9 and if we change their centre lines we create Hex 28 4/7 and 27 3/8…………so now we have a connection between Hexagrams 27,28,29 and 30. Which will give us a deeper insight into those Hexagrams. 

Top pairing GCT 3/9 Hex 21 and ACG 9/3 Hex 22 also show pairings but only with themselves so I suggest this reading of the Hexagrams is a stronger picture with less distraction and truly bound pairing. 

Second row CTA 8/1 Hex 39 and TAC 1/3 Hex 40 show pairings with Hex 45 2/7 TTC and Hex 46 4/2 CAA so a more detailed read into these four hexagrams connections. 

Third Line TAT 1/9 Hex 64 and ATA 9/1 Hex 63 connect to Hexagram 18 4/8 CAG and Hex 17 3/7 GTC so again a more detailed reading for these hexagram connections. 

Fourth Line ATG 9/4 Hex 37 and GAT 7/9 Hex 38 connect to Hexagrams 25 3/6 GTT and Hex 26 6/8 AAG a more detailed reading here also. 

Finally line five TGC 1/7 Hex 47 and CGA 4/1 Hex 48 this is a pairing that only pairs with itself. 

So Hex 47 and 48 only pair with themselves as do Hexagrams 21 and 22.

All other pairs of Hexagrams create another pair by changing these middle lines. 

All numbers 1 to 9 appear within this expanded version of the Hexagrams. 12 of the codons create the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal but by this form of expansion we contact the double crystal, the diamond crystal and the 8/4 crystal………..yet none of the codons appear in the 6/6 - 2/2 crystal they rarely seem to connect to each other. 

So here we change 12 codons into 20 codons so when your Hexagram comes up …..e.g. 47 you can read 48 also as a potential step for the future.

For some we have now got the Now from your Hexagram potential futures in the partner and now another two ways to look more closely at ourselves. 

So many times in the Bible it tells us we need to know ourselves……..and the I Ching tells us until we know who we are we cannot help of guide others properly……….so take a closer look at yourself today and move closer to be woke enough to help others. 

So the two middle red lines need to be changed from Jin to Jang to create the new Hexagrams. Enjoy your thinking. X 

Wednesday 11 September 2024

DNA Codons and I Ching codons in Comparison


Top right hand side shows the partnership of codons within The I Ching Hexagrams…..starts with GGG over CCC Hex 1 and 2…then follows 3/4 and so on moving up each row at a time until reaching the top of row four for codon Hexagram 64 You will see they partner with each other as hexagrams within the crystals of The I Ching 

The DNA Codons are at the bottom left of the image and it shows how they change when partnering with the other one of the pair of DNA Codons starting with Hexagrams 1/2 GGG/CCC but then they move on and change for a Codon. Hexagram 3 ATC partners GAT as they would on a ladder of DNA. They no longer pair with the hexagrams though.

Its almost as though you have to make a crystal I Ching set as they pair up to each other 1/.2, 3/4, 5/6 etc., all the way through to Hex 64. In a DNA Codon they put T with A and C with G and vice versa and this creates the pairing. You could never work this out without first making them pair up in The I Ching. 

Enjoy your thinking. X

Sunday 8 September 2024

The Dominant Aspect Shapes in my Birth Chart


This is an image of the aspects in my birth chart red, green and blue create white light so those areas are not coloured in just green lines in the triangle get green colours and red and green create yellow. I feel very Art Deco to see myself this way. The dominant shapes in my chart are a Ruminator and as I am a 1/7 Nine Star Ki which is a Ruminator shape this is to be expected. I also have a Lecturer and a Magician. So I have much to learn. I also have a Magic touch at times if I learn the lessons the projection will be top quality and not merely projecting wasted energy. I really am a work of Art. Enjoy your thinkiing. X 

In drawing this as my pen touches paper I release something in the chords of my geometry x  

Actually just realised I have another full triangle of the Alternator in my chart between Jupiter sextile to Pluto trine to Mars in Opposition to Jupiter……..another string to my bow or has my new geometry opened some new doors for me lol. X 

Sunday 1 September 2024

The Aspect Shapes of DNA Codons / Astrology

 Here we see all 8 of the aspect shapes DNA Codons make within a circle once again I draw attention to the first six shapes which when the aspect lines are added together make 360* full circle. The last two The Teacher and The Thinker only add up to 300* and the only way to read them with a full 360* circle is by reading one of the lines on the circle rather than on the aspect line itself. 

The Teacher is 90* x 150* x 60* = 300* but if we count on the circle not the lines for the last line 150* it becomes 210* and then the full circle is created. As it is drawn with aspect lines red, green and blue it creates DNA Codon ATC but that last line of 150* has to be on the outer edge to make the full 360* aspect.

The Thinker is 30* x 120* x 150* = 300* but if we count on the circle not the lines for the last line 150* it creates DNA Codon CTT but that last line of 150* has to be on the outer edge to make the full 360* aspect. 

We know 150* is associated with thinking, data, etc., in a Fired Earth way but the 210* angle is still associated with thinking but thinking about change it could be described as more destructive but when change is needed it has to be or we would all stagnate. So with all the Teacher (6) and Thinker (6) aspects they have a green line more associated with Fire and Water.

I often think the aspect shapes are like slices taken from a cheese or cake but in this image it is more like the whole cheese. There is a phrase they think they are the whole cheese perhaps Thinkers and Teachers are a little smug in that respect and whilst they must make many changes in life they adapt and make the most of situations. 

To go from Ascendant to 210* is to be on the marker for Scorpio slip back a little you are in Libra slip forward Scorpio…….but as a definite measure of 210* it is a 150* quincunx from the ascendant in a clockwise direction rather than anticlockwise as the usual measure of aspects is made. So an aspect from AC Aries to Scorpio 8th house cusp measures 150* and also 210* depending on the direction you are taking. 150* is considered a Yod or Finger of God that stirs things up for you from time to time but naturally that would be in a fire/earth manner whereas the 210* is in a fire/water manner. Perhaps the comment unless you are born of fire and water you cannot see the Kingdom of Heaven has something to do with this 210* aspect. 

Whatever the reason The Teacher and The Thinker do not behave the same as the other aspects begs the question do they make some sort of changes in the DNA Codon itself. 

The Teacher……TCA - TCG - CAT - CGT - ATC - GTC starts with T, C, A and G so more inclusive

The Thinker…….CCT - CTC - CTT - TCC - TCT - TTC only starts with C or T…fire and water

So 12 DNA Codons are connected to this blip in pattern and it is only in finding patterns that I have been able to discover the connections between Astrology, Nine Star Ki, The I Ching and DNA Codons… there has to be a way that these DNA Codons adapt (210 + 150 actions) that make them different from the other 40 codons. A fair question lets think on this x 

The X Factor in your DNA

Here we see an X shaped version of the DNA Crystal. We know by now that you can start with any three letter DNA Codon and expand on it until 12 codons have been created before the codes start to repeat themselves. 

As an example lets say we throw 6 sticks for The I Ching broken, solid, broken, broken, solid and broken. This creates Nine Star Ki of 1/1 and a DNA Codon CGC. So lets expand on CGC by repeating the last two letters and adding after them the next letter in a clockwise circle above so CGC become GC then take the first C Blue and move it round one space and you have T Orange. So the next codon after CGC is GCT and so on until you have created all 12 codons. This applies to the X as it moves in a right diagonal direction but on the bottom right it works in an anticlockwise direction CGC becomes CG but moves anticlockwise next creating A and ACG. . . . But notice the right hand side of the X moving in a left diagonal direction is anticlockwise. 

A simple way of looking at the is to take just one letter from each row again lets start with CGC then it expands to become….

                        CGCTATGCGATA  And then we are back to CGC again…….notice also if you split these markers into threes they will all create the same codons you can find in the 1/1 - 9/9 crystal.

                        CGC TAT GCG ATA ………..the four cardinal points in the crystal. 

Finally the simple way to see this pattern is in stripes………from top to bottom each letter fits on a vertical line with its same letter and colour on any line. 
Enjoy your thinking x